Do you like to create success through brainstorming with like minded people, peers, generate creative ideas, design strong action plan and hold each other accountable?

Then mastermind group is the one for you.

We facilitate mastermind group, provide coaching to increase synergy of the group and achieve group's desired goal!

What is a Mastermind Group and how does it work?

As described by Napoleon Hill in his book "Think And Grow Rich", the mastermind group works on the principle of "co-ordination of knowledge and efforts of two or more people, who work towards a definite purpose, in the spirit of harmony."

In these groups, agenda is defined by the group and each member of the group commits to this agenda. The members give each other constructive feedback, brainstorm new ideas and create accountability structure to keep them focused and on track.

Typically mastermind groups are formed:

  • with individuals working on with common objectives or purpose or partners in business
  • to develop business vision, mission statement, value proposition or strategy at a start up phase

The same participants in the group meet periodically for the coaching sessions. The content and the duration of the coaching programme is customized as required by the group. Clear action plan & accountability structure is developed.

Our expertise in facilitation, brainstorming will provoke your thinking with different perspectives and help you co-create your desired goal!

Let's connect to discuss your needs and we will deliver a customised programme for you. Contact us NOW and we will get back to you soon.